It was only a dream for the past few years, but it is time, this dream comes true!
Friends of Emily Kazakos have inspired and motivated her to make it come true.
She has inspired and motivated others and continues to do so, with her inspiring hellenic spirit.
Our aim is to reunite Hellenes in Australia and to keep in touch with the Hellenic spirit.
We have already started networking with old friends and acquaintances together as Hellenes. Our first ventures are to organize reunions that shall have a quality cause and aim. Quality time with people, because time is so precious and people are so precious.
Hellenes Australia Pty Ltd shall support events, that will inspire its friends within various circles related to the Arts, Music,Literature, Sport, Education and anything of inspiration for the sake of the Hellenic spirit.
If you would like to be a friend of Hellenes Australia, just follow the olive track and join our mailing list!
Money is not a priority. If you wish to make a contribution, it will be used by Hellenes Australia to succeed in its aims.
When there is an excess of monies, they will be distributed for a worthy charitable cause.
Let us inspire each other! This will also inspire our children, for they need so much inspiration!
Let us hellenize each other! We shall achieve this with the literature and the educational programs the website shall provide later. (This area is still under construction)
Since 2005, hundreds of friends and colleagues have united with Emily to follow the olive path of hellenes and to make the dream a reality.
To network Hellenes in Australia!
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